Youth and Pastor’s Conference

Mike and Steve Ham at the AiG Pastors Conference

This last week was very busy! Mike and I ran our very first Youth and Youth Leader Conference at Friendship Baptist Church in Cincinnati, OH. We began on Friday evening, Oct. 14th and continued all day on Sat. Oct. 15th. We had a small turn-out but we were encouraged with how much was learned by the youth who attended. We want to thank the staff at Friendship Baptist for allowing us to use their wonderful facilities. We pray that none of the young people who came will ever become one of the 70% of the youth who leave the church after high school.

Youth and Youth Leader Class at Friendship Baptist in Cincinnati

On Sunday morning we got to attend our home church in Cincinnati. What a blessing it was to have Dr. John Whitcomb and his family visit and to sit under his teaching for Sunday School. Then on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, the AiG annual Pastors Conference started in the new Legacy hall at the Creation Museum. We were very impressed with the new auditorium and enjoyed seeing many pastors we have met over the years. We also got to meet pastors from all over the USA who traveled to Kentucky for the conference. Mike spoke to the group on Wednesday – his topic: Taking Back American Education – the Battle Cry for the Next Generation. Later, Ken Ham told Mike that there were a couple of people in the audience from CNN. Wow, what an opportunity to give truth!

Mike Speaking at the AiG Pastors Conference

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