Calvary Bible and 29th CTT

Calvary Bible Church, Ellerslie, MD

On Friday, July 8th, Mike and I drove 7 hours from Hebron, KY to beautiful Ellerslie, MD. We set up everything for our 29th Christian Teacher Training Class and then had dinner with Pastor Greg Miller and his wife Autumn. Mike LOVES Mexican food and the hotter the better. So he was pleased when we went to a Mexican restaurant in historic Cumberland, MD. George Washington traveled there several times but I don’t think he went to the same restaurant!

On Saturday we had 25 students come for a full day of teaching (8:30am – 5:30pm). There were pastors, Christian school teachers, parents and former missionaries in attendance – all wanting to learn how to defend their faith in the literal reading of the first few chapters in the Bible. Mike loves teaching this class. Thanks to Autumn for all of her work to get the snacks and lunch ready.

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