Did God use Evolution?

Many church leaders and Christians today believe God used evolution as part of His creation. Another way of stating this is: “God could have used evolution.” There is a problem with this statement. It is not a matter of what God could have done; it is a matter of what did He do! How God created is recorded in the Bible and nowhere does it mention He used evolution or long ages.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/did-god-use-evolution-2/

In the Beginning God Created

If you are unable to “prove” the Christian faith to a non-believer, don’t assume the problem is with your evidence. It is not our job to prove the existence of God. The Bible already proves His existence. The non-believer is denying the best evidence God has given them. Creation is “undeniable proof.” Paul, in Romans 1, states that people will willfully suppress the truth of His creation.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/in-the-beginning-god-created/

How could Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?

Many people have a misunderstanding about what the Bible really states about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. In this video Mike solves this challenge by answering three questions.

  1. How did the animals get to the Ark?
  2. How big was the Ark?
  3. How many animals needed to be on the Ark?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/fit-animals-on-ark/

Did God Use Evolution?

Why is the statement, “God could have used evolution” an incorrect and unbiblical statement for any Bible believing Christian to make?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/did-god-use-evolution/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2018 -Day 5

Well here we are – the end of a very full week.  This week students have sat through approximately 30 hours of instruction, enjoyed close fellowship and discussion with brothers and sisters in Christ, and grown in His Holy Spirit as they have studied His word and learned how to defend the biblical worldview.

This final full day included 6 last sessions;

  • Advanced Apologetics (The Rights Fight)
  • Defense of Biblical Marriage
  • Dinosaurs and the Bible (a Talk for Children)
  • A Critique of Evolution
  • Defending the Sanctity of Human Life
  • Date Methods (Carbon-14 and Assumptions)


Students today also gave their last 5 minute presentation and listened to a final concert by Sam Rotman.  Then it was off to study for the final exam!

The conclusion of this week was Saturday morning as students took the final and graduated.  We then shared one last meal together before dispersing to our homes and mission fields.  Remember this class isn’t to prepare for Creation/Evolution debates but to share the gospel with our fellow mankind.  Tearing down the strongholds that destroy the knowledge of God is what we have been learning this week  (2 Cor. 10:4-5) in order to fulfill the Great Commission as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.  We are not just to make disciples but teach them all that the Holy Spirit has taught us.  Remember that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is with us always even to the end of the age.

We sincerely pray that you will join at next year’s conference and glean the teaching that will equip you to teach and share with those around you.  Submit yourselves to His teaching and always be prepared to give an answer or defense for the hope that in in you, with meekness and fear.  Are you ready?

The Idaho Contingency:


The Next Generation:

The “Spuds”:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2018-day-5/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2018 -Day 4

Welcome back!

Our students this year traveled from 15 different states and 1 foreign country – Jamaica!  We have a total of 35 students, 12 of which are under age 25!  We are reminded that this is the next generation that will pick up the gauntlet, teaching God’s truth as they know, share and defend their faith.  You are an encouragement to all of us!

Today continued with 5 more sessions:

  • Advanced Apologetics pt. 1
  • LIfe-Long Learning Tools (Critical Thinking Skills)
  • Postmodernism: Undermining Truth
  • The Origin of Life
  • The Moral Argument for God


The students today also gave their Defense Presentations where they were each asked a question and given 3 minutes to give a logical defense.  The determination and success of these students is amazing!

We also took time out for some friendly push-up competition in which a new women’s record was set at 40 by Taylen.  Congrats!  

Our day wrapped up with a concert by classical pianist Sam Rotman whose music and testimony was both moving and glorifying.  Thanks Sam for blessing us!

Enjoy the pics from today:


Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2018-day-4/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2018 -Day 3

Day 3!!

Our day started with breakfast, devotion with Pastor Jim…. and more than a few nerves as students counted down to their 5 minute presentations!  This is where the rubber meets the road… taking the information learned so far this week, and teaching it back to the teachers – all glory to God!

After the presentations, there were 3 more sessions: “Why the Bible is True,” “The Genesis Flood and the Bible,” and “The Genesis Flood and the Fossil Record.”  There was also free time this afternoon to play, study or rest – but if you take a nap, you’d better nap with your eyes open!

Here are photos from the student presentations:


And a new men’s push-up record was set at 65 – way to go Josh!


Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2018-day-3/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2018 -Day 2

Welcome back!

Day 2 was a very full day!  Our day started with breakfast and a devotion by Pastor Jay and then was followed by 6 more teaching sessions  The first two sessions, “The Days of Creation, Sin and Death” and “Handling Objections to a Literal Six – Day Creation” concluded with a group presentation with the instruction to prepare a defense for 6 literal days of creation.  

After lunch, sessions continued with “Apologetics, pt 1 and 2,” “Intro to Presuppositional Apologetics,” dinner and “Communication and Teaching Skills.”  The day concluded with the students returning to their rooms to relax (not!) while preparing for their first individual presentation tomorrow morning!  Whew!

Here are some pictures of our first full day:

Preparing a Defense…


The Idaho “Spuds”



Our Fearless Leaders:

Pastor Jim

Pastor Jay

El Capitan


See ya tomorrow!


Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2018-day-2/

Back to School! Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2018 -Day 1

This is the time of year that kids and adults are gearing up to go back to school…. Here at CTI, we are commencing our 5 day Creation Apologetics Teachers College at Glorieta Christian Conference Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico!

This week-long, intensive course focuses on teaching Christians how to know, share and defend God’s Word and how they can teach others to do the same.  Our first day started with dinner, class dedication and our first session: Introduction to Biblical Creation and Apologetics.  

Here are a few highlights of the evening:

Meeting like minded Christians


Foundational teaching


To God be the Glory!



Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/back-to-school-creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2018-day-1/

How long were the days of creation?

Using the Bible and the rules for interpreting languages, Mike presents powerful evidence the days were literal 24-hour days and not long ages.

Sing-up for our Newsletter

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/how-long-were-the-days-of-creation/

Is the Bible Outdated?

Can we still trust a book that is over 2,000 years old called the Bible? Some say it is outdated. In the answer to this challenge, Mike offers some great information why we can believe and trust the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

Sing-up for our Newsletter

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/is-the-bible-outdated/

One Day is Like a Thousand Years?

Can 2 Peter 3:8 be used to support the days of creation were long ages?
In this short video Mike answers the 2 Peter 3:8 challenge.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/one-day-is-like-a-thousand-years/

The Sun and the Days of Creation

Mike answers the challenge: “How could the first three days of creation be literal days if the sun was not created until day four?”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/the-sun-and-the-days-of-creation/

Observable science refutes evolution

In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution.

  • The complexity of a biological protein refutes evolution.

  • The amount of formation in DNA and its complexity refutes evolution.

  • The complexity of a cell refutes evolution.

Another great video with Thomas Kindell,  Amazing creatures that testify to a Creator

Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology
Reasons for Faith

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/observable-science-refutes-evolution/

Amazing creatures that testify to a Creator

Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology, discusses how he became a creationist. He also presents some amazing creatures that testify to a Creator.

  • Lampsilis Clam
  • Swift bird
  • Dragonfly

Another great video with Thomas Kindell, Observable science refutes evolution

Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology
Reasons for Faith

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/amazing-creatures-that-testify-to-a-creator/

The Second Upper Room

A powerful biblical-based presentation by Mike Riddle that exposes the march of secular humanism through the public education system, many churches, and Christian seminaries.  (52 minutes)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/the-second-upper-room/

Teaching the Gospel

A superb presentation of how to teach the Gospel.  Excellent for understanding the full message of the Gospel. 

Feedback: “I love all the scripture references. And I think a lot of people will be saved by watching it. Great job, very well done and very professional.”  

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/teaching-the-gospel/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2017 -Day 2

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017 — Day 2 of the CATC was a very full day of learning for the class! The morning started with Pastor Jay Lucas bringing a devotional, and then jumped right into the sessions.

Topics included:

  • Days of creation, sin and death
  • Handling objections to a literal six-day creation
  • Basic apologetics
  • Introduction to Presuppositional apologetics
  • Communication and teaching skills

Students also gathered together in groups of 3-5, and prepared defense presentations on subjects of Creation or Apologetics.

Here are a few pictures from the day:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2017-day-2/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2017 -Day 1

Monday, August 14th, 2017 — First day of the Creation Apologetics Teacher’s College! Students came from all over the country for this week of learning God’s marvelous truth!

Evening started with the class dedication, and the first session: Introduction to biblical creation and apologetics.

Here are a few highlights of the evening:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2017-day-1/

Creation Apologetics Teachers College 2017 -Day 3

Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 — The morning started with devotions by Mike Riddle, followed by each student giving a 3-5 minute presentation on a topic of Creation. In the afternoon, students enjoyed some free time by exploring hiking trails or downtown Santa Fe.

This day was also the 70th birthday of Mrs. Lesley Riddle, so the class made sure to celebrate this special lady!

Topics for this day included:

  • Why the Bible is True
  • The Genesis Flood and the Bible
  • The Genesis Flood and the Fossil Record

Enjoy some photos from this day:

Celebrating Mrs. Riddle’s birthday!

Mr. and Mrs. Riddle stood as honorary grandparents for this couple at their wedding this past May. Faith is a returning student, and the photographer for the week, and her husband David is a new student this year. 

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/creation-apologetics-teachers-college-2017-day-3/

Mike interviews a popular women’s Bible study leader

Mike interviews Megan Eberhardt, a popular women’s Bible study leader. In this video Megan discusses the Gospel, the meaning of God’s Grace, and what is meant by sound doctrine. She also shows how, using a flower as an example, we can talk to someone about the roots of our faith.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/popular-womens-bible-study-leader/

The Fossil Record, does it prove Human Evolution?

Does the fossil record prove human evolution? The track record of fossil finds says no. Evolutionists have repeatedly claimed a new fossil find supporting human evolution, only to have it later debunked.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/the-fossil-record-does-it-prove-human-evolution/

Mike interviews Dr. Anthony Silvestro (evangelist)

Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled:
“The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”
But now the alternative book is out by Dr. Anthony Silvestro titled:
“The Origin of Kinds by Means of Creator God and the Preservation of Souls in the Struggle for Eternity”
In this video Dr. Silvestro talks about his new book and why Christians need to read it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/mike-interviews-dr-anthony-silvestro-evangelist/

The Bible, Geology and Time

How do scientists use geology to determine time?

In this video Mike uses observational evidence to demonstrate that:

  1. The geologic layers (column) do not support millions of years.

  2. Radiometric dating is based on assumptions and is not an accurate method for dating objects.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/the-bible-geology-and-time/

Time, Age, and Dinosaurs

How do scientists use geology to determine time?

In this video Mike uses observational evidence to demonstrate that:

-The geologic layers (column) do not support millions of years.

-Radiometric dating is based on assumptions and is not an accurate method for dating objects.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/time-age-and-dinosaurs/

Are Humans and Chimpanzees Cousins?

Many teachers and professors still teach that Chimpanzee and Human DNA are only 2 percent different, making us close relatives in terms of evolution. However, research has shown this to be false. Watch this 5-minute video by Mike Riddle that will arm you with the truth about our DNA.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/are-humans-and-chimpanzees-cousins/

The Amazing Human Body

Mike is looking at the human body for evidence of God’s existence and evolution’s folly. Mike is taking a look at our athletic ability, our innumerable cells and our spiritual makeup!

Check out our video on this same subject:

The Incredible Human Body

The Incredible Human Body

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/the-amazing-human-body/

Did God Use the Big Bang?

Did God use the Big Bang to create life as we know? Did he set forth Evolution when created the heavens and the earth?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/did-god-use-the-big-bang/

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/is-creation-a-secondary-doctrine-podcast/

20 Mistakes of Evolution: 11-20

Mike is in two-part series called “20 Mistakes of Evolution”. Today he’s talking about mistakes eleven through 20.

  1. Dinosaurs Went Extinct 65 Million Years Ago
  2. Large Canyons Take Long Ages
  3. Antibody Resistance
  4. Life in Outer Space
  5. The Peppered Moth
  6. The Monarch Butterfly
  7. Beneficial Mutations
  8. Carbon-14 Dating
  9. All “Real” Scientist Believe in Evolution
  10. The Bible is Outdated

Permanent link to this article: https://www.creationtraining.org/20-mistakes-of-evolution-11-20/