Frenchburg, Kentucky

Mike and I drove home from Courtland, OH on Tuesday, April 17th and had the joy of having the Dr. Jobe Martin family stay with us for a few days. Jobe and his family teach at the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention each year and we look forward to seeing them. We had a wonderful dinner on Wednesday with the Martins, Frank Sherwin, a long time friend and speaker with ICR, Lalo Gunther, Director of Conference Ministries at ICR, and Dr. Rhonda Forlow, K-12 Education Specialist for ICR. It is always a pleasure to spend time with like-minded believers.

Mike speaking at Bethel Baptist Church, Frenchburg, KY

On Saturday, April 21st, we drove to Morehead, KY to spend the night before heading over to the beautiful little town of Frenchburg, deep in the hills of Kentucky. It reminded me of my favorite place in the world, Western North Carolina, where I spent my teenage years. Mike spoke at Bethel Baptist to a very involved audience. We love it when the people are responding – we know they are listening! We were delighted to have the Rhodes Family Quartet (they are members of Bethel Baptist) sing at the beginning of each of the talks. What a uplifting way to start a meeting.

We had a very special lunch at the home of the long-time pastor, Jim Rhodes, along with his family. There were probably 20 people there and I was told that there is a dinner like that every Sunday and has been for more than 40 years! I cannot imagine cooking that much food every week but we were blessed to be a part of it.

The Rhodes Family Gospel Quartet

On Monday afternoon Mike was invited to speak to a group of Christian students at the local high school. We met in the computer room and as Mike was talking about the design in the chuckwalla lizard, one of the students googled the chuckwalla and proudly showed everyone the pictures. She was doing what we should all do – check out what we are being taught! Thanks to all the wonderful people in Frenchburg.




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