Back on the Road with Mike

I am very happy to report that I am back on the road doing ministry with Mike. I have been grounded since the beginning of April because of ear problems.  Our next few trips are in driving distance so I don’t have to worry about the pressure on my ears from taking off and landing. I have plans to fly on July 22nd and am trusting that I will be ready by then.

Central Baptist Church, Willisville, IL

We drove to Willisville, IL yesterday, Friday, June 10th. We met Pastor Cletus Zimmerman for dinner at the Pioneers Cabin Restaurant. We had our meeting at Central Baptist Church in Willisville. It is a church with lots of history and character. We had a small group, but as Pastor Cletus said, the ones who came were the ones who care. Mike gave his “Battle Cry for the Next Generation” talk. We were very blessed to have two new supporters of our ministry.

Hummingbirds on the Smith's back porch

After the meeting we drove to Bob and Beverly Smith’s lovely home. After a great night of sleep, we started our Saturday morning sitting on the Smith’s back porch watching the hummingbirds feeding. They are amazing! Mike had a couple of them land on his finger.

Tomorrow morning, Mike will speak at Kinkaid Christian Fellowship in Ava, IL. I will tell you all about that later.

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