Spring in Delta, PA

Written by Lesley Riddle

March 20, 2011

After 3 very full days of getting things done at home, Mike and I flew to Baltimore, MD yesterday (Sat) and drove to Delta, PA, a beautiful rural area just over the Maryland line into Pennsylvania. Mike spoke at Calvary Chapel, Delta this morning. The day started out with a bright sun and birds singing! Yes, spring begins today and even though the temperature is in the 30’s, the process of rebirth is beginning – God’s design that every year we would witness new life in creation. Our desire is that there will be rebirth  – new life – in many people as the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to the Creator of everything.

Mike speaking at Calvary Chapel, Delta, PA

Mike’s sermon, “Is Genesis Relevant?” challenges those in church to critically look at some foundational reasons from the Bible that millions of years contradicts the truth that is clearly revealed in the Scriptures. Last week, I gave my favorite evidence, the death before sin issue. Another powerful one is the world-wide flood as described in the book of Genesis. The words so clearly point to the fact that the water covered the whole earth and that everything with the breath of life died except those on the Ark. Those who believe in millions of years use fossils as their best evidence. If there was a worldwide flood, many of those fossils would have been formed as a result of the violent effects of the Flood, not from millions of years of slow processes. It changes everything if you are willing to believe God’s Word. The Flood would account for much of the geology that we see today. We have just witnessed the effects of what lots of water can do from the terrible tsunami in Japan. However, that is nothing compared to what a worldwide flood would do. It definitely would have upset all the layers of soil that would have contained the fossils that evolutionists believe had been forming for millions of years. Let’s stick to what the Word of God says, not the opinions of man.

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