Category: Mike’s Video Training

Is the Bible Outdated?

Can we still trust a book that is over 2,000 years old called the Bible? Some say it is outdated. In the answer to this challenge, Mike offers some great information why we can believe and trust the Bible as the inspired Word of God. Sing-up for our Newsletter

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One Day is Like a Thousand Years?

Can 2 Peter 3:8 be used to support the days of creation were long ages? In this short video Mike answers the 2 Peter 3:8 challenge.

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The Sun and the Days of Creation

Mike answers the challenge: “How could the first three days of creation be literal days if the sun was not created until day four?”

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Observable science refutes evolution

In this video section (Refuting Textbook Arguments for Evolution), Thomas Kindell, Ph.D., discusses why true, observable science refutes evolution. The complexity of a biological protein refutes evolution. The amount of formation in DNA and its complexity refutes evolution. The complexity of a cell refutes evolution. Another great video with Thomas Kindell,  Amazing creatures that testify …

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Amazing creatures that testify to a Creator

Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology, discusses how he became a creationist. He also presents some amazing creatures that testify to a Creator. Lampsilis Clam Swift bird Dragonfly Another great video with Thomas Kindell, Observable science refutes evolution Thomas Kindell, Ph.D. Philosophy of Theology Reasons for Faith

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Teaching the Gospel

A superb presentation of how to teach the Gospel.  Excellent for understanding the full message of the Gospel.  Feedback: “I love all the scripture references. And I think a lot of people will be saved by watching it. Great job, very well done and very professional.”  

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Mike interviews a popular women’s Bible study leader

Mike interviews Megan Eberhardt, a popular women’s Bible study leader. In this video Megan discusses the Gospel, the meaning of God’s Grace, and what is meant by sound doctrine. She also shows how, using a flower as an example, we can talk to someone about the roots of our faith.

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The Fossil Record, does it prove Human Evolution?

Does the fossil record prove human evolution? The track record of fossil finds says no. Evolutionists have repeatedly claimed a new fossil find supporting human evolution, only to have it later debunked.

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Mike interviews Dr. Anthony Silvestro (evangelist)

Many have heard of the book by Charles Darwin titled: “The Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection and the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” But now the alternative book is out by Dr. Anthony Silvestro titled: “The Origin of Kinds by Means of Creator God and the Preservation of …

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The Bible, Geology and Time

How do scientists use geology to determine time? In this video Mike uses observational evidence to demonstrate that: The geologic layers (column) do not support millions of years. Radiometric dating is based on assumptions and is not an accurate method for dating objects.

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Are Humans and Chimpanzees Cousins?

Many teachers and professors still teach that Chimpanzee and Human DNA are only 2 percent different, making us close relatives in terms of evolution. However, research has shown this to be false. Watch this 5-minute video by Mike Riddle that will arm you with the truth about our DNA.

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Junk DNA, Does it Prove Evolution?

Did you know the idea of “junk DNA” has been proven false? Watch this fast-paced, 5-minute video by Mike Riddle

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The Incredible Human Body

Did humans evolve by naturalistic processes over millions of years or were we created by an All-knowing, All-Powerful Creator God?

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Heinz Lycklama, a nuclear physicist

In this interview Heinz Lycklama, a nuclear physicist, discusses his background and the importance of believing the Bible’s historical account of creation. He also talks about the day his daughter came home from school and mentioned that the teacher said we came from monkeys.

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Sanctity of Human Life with Randy Alcorn

In this video Mike interviews New York Times bestselling author, Randy Alcorn, on the sanctity of human life and how to defend tough questions. Randy has a Bachelor of Theology and Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Multnomah University and an Honorary Doctorate from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He blogs, is active daily …

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Miracle of a new life when a child is born

Mike Riddle interviews Joseph Kezele M.D. In this video, medical doctor and professor of human anatomy and genetics, Joseph Kezele, discusses the miracle of a new life when a child is born. Most people are unaware of the processes that are absolutely necessary for the fetus to develop and the newborn to live at all. …

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Why we celebrate July 4th

In this short 6-minute video, Mike (former Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps) talks about why we celebrate July 4th. He concludes with a powerful prayer to the only one who can save this country, the Creator of the Universe, Jesus Christ. The video is accompanied with graphics and music.  

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Martin Luther on Education

Martin Luther on Education

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Is the age of the earth an important issue for Christians?

There is a heated battle within the church about the age of the earth. Does it really matter if it is old or young? Is the age of the earth an important issue for Christians? Watch this 6-minute video and find out the answer.

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Critical Thinking Examining Their words

In this video Mike shows how to use critical thinking methods to analyze statements made by evolutionists. Mike reveals four different types of words to look for in books and conversations: 1. Magic words 2. Fuzzy words 3. Red-flag words 4. Logical fallacies

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Responding to Foolish Statements -Part 2

  In part 2 of “Responding to Foolish Statements,” Mike answers the following challenges: Why are Christians against a woman’s right to choose (abortion)? Why are Christians so intolerant of other viewpoints? We shouldn’t teach creation because it is too divisive. God could have used evolution. Life must be on other planets. It’s arrogant to …

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Responding to Foolish Statements

Christians are often challenged with foolish statements. There are three elements that make these statements foolish. 1. The challenge shows the person’s lack of knowledge of the Bible. 2. The challenge has inconsistent elements. 3. The challenge is arrogant. In this session Mike not only answers the challenges but also shows why each is a …

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The Gap Theory

  The Gap Theory has been used to explain how to add millions of years into the Bible. The Gap Theory places a large gap of time (millions of years) between the first two verses of the Bible. During this gap the original creation was destroyed by Satan and this catastrophe was responsible for most …

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The Origin of Humans

In this session Mike covers 4 topics: The Bible makes it clear that God did not make ape-man. Two misconceptions commonly found in textbooks that are used to support human evolution. Some of the famous characters that have been used in textbooks to promote evolution. Piltdown man Nebraska man Ramapithicus Lucy Neanderthals Four ways to …

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Genetics and Evolution

Are Apes and Humans Cousins Did Humans evolve from ape-like creatures? Mike uses understandable language to examine three of the main genetic arguments evolutionists use to support their claim. Human and chimp DNA is only 3% different. Junk DNA: 97% of human DNA is junk. Fusion of chromosome 2 is prove of evolution.

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Mike interviews professional musician Scott Weckerly

Mike interviews professional musician Scott Weckerly. Scott talks about the church he attended as a youth and how he began to have questions about the Bible and was not getting answers from within the church. As a result he began to have doubts about the Bible. It wasn’t until someone from another church showed him …

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Who Should Christians Blame?

In this session, Mike discusses four philosophies that are attacking the church and Christian families. (1) evolutionism, (2) moral relativism, (3) abortion, and (4) same-sex marriage. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to promote these philosophies. The important question that is asked in the video is, “Who should Christians blame for all this …

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Why we celebrate July 4th

In this short 6-minute video, Mike (former Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps) talks about why we celebrate July 4th. He concludes with a powerful prayer to the only one who can save this country, the Creator of the Universe, Jesus Christ. The video is accompanied with graphics and music.

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Apologetics with Dr. Anthony Silvestro

Why all Christians should know and practice apologetics What it means to be sanctified (1 Peter 3:15) Two things all Christians must believe to have a biblical worldview The difference between evidential and presuppositional apologetics The two questions Dr. Silvestro gets asked most often

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Sharing the Gospel at Work

In this session Dr. Anthony Silvestro (dentist, evangelist and creation speaker) discusses how he shares the Gospel at his office. Dr. Silvestro talks about the reactions of his patients and the legal aspects of promoting religion in the workplace.

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