Fossil Talk for Children in Delta, PA

Written by Lesley Riddle

March 22, 2011

Yesterday Mike had two sermons in the morning and two more sessions last night here at Calvary Chapel, Delta, PA. It was a wonderful Sunday and we met many giving and committed Christians. Today (Mon. 3/21) Mike got to speak to his scariest audience, the K – 6th graders. Why are they so scary? Well, when the youngest ones raise their hands, you never know what they are going to say.

Mike teaching his "Old Bones, Fossils, and the Flood" talk at Calvary Chapel, Delta, PA

 He talked about fossils and the Flood. We plan to film this talk when we are able to hire our video expert. We want to have a series of children’s talks that will equip them to answer questions that they will face as they grow up. Mike was impressed with the children and how much they already knew. That speaks well of their parents and their church.

Mike, Pastor Doug McClean and Youth Pastor Josh Harris

We are very happy to report that Pastor Doug McClean is not ashamed of the Word of God. He understands the importance of teaching the Bible as truth from the very first verse. He told us at lunch on Sunday that any leader or teacher in this church has to sign a statement of faith that includes a belief in the biblical account of creation in 6 literal days. Josh Harris (High School Pastor) told us that the youth leaders are going through the book of Luke, line by line. He plans to use Mike’s new apologetics DVDs next to equip the students with answers to many questions that can be used when they are witnessing to their friends and families. May God bless this church and each one who commits to sharing the truth, no matter what, to an unbelieving world.

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