Were the first three days of creation literal days?

How could the first three days of creation be literal days if the sun was not created until day 4? By Mike Riddle Nov, 2015 Both nonbelievers and many in the church have been led to believe the earth must be billions of years old. A common argument used to support the...
Powerful Christian Education

Powerful Christian Education

This is a typical comment from Christians who attend our 5-day Creation Apologetics Teachers College. Some other comments: “Since I was very young I have been a Christian, but until I got to the CTI course I did not realize how much false teaching had crept into...
Has The World Out-Educated The Church? -By Mike Riddle

Has The World Out-Educated The Church? -By Mike Riddle

The fact that America was founded upon biblical principles is well documented. The Declaration of Independence makes reference to the Creator and being created. Our Washington, D.C. monuments have inscriptions that make reference to God and Jesus Christ. The original...
It’s All About Education

It’s All About Education

   The Bible Each of the following verses teaches that ALL Christians are to know how to defend their faith. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with...