An Exciting Sunday in Kernersville, NC

Written by Lesley Riddle

February 28, 2011

Mike and I left home on Sat. 2-26 at 6:15 am to drive from Hebron, KY to Kernersville, NC – a 7 hour drive. It was  a beautiful day and an uneventful drive – the kind we like. After setting up the book tables at the church, we went to Prissy Polly’s BBQ restaurant. We had great food, but what impressed us was the blue grass band. About half way through the show, the fiddler played a stirring version of “How Great Thou Art” right there in the restaurant. Many of the diners starting singing along. Now that is great entertainment. 

Mike speaking at 1st Christian Church, Kernersville, NC

On Sunday, Mike had the priviledge of speaking at 1st Christian Church in Kernersville for all three morning services to over 1000 people. While Mike was teaching the adults, John and Ynita Swomley were

John Swomley doing his push-ups

 with the children doing their creation-based baloon ministry. You can check out their work at: As you can see, John has lots of energy. That is Ynita standing next to Mike and Linda Shelton next to Ynita. Linda was my volunteer co-ordinator at the book tables and I could not have survived without her.

Mike spoke twice on Sunday night at the church and is speaking at their Academy today (Monday). He will be speaking twice tonight and then we will pack up and drive home tomorrow to get ready for the next trip. We seem to be making a habit of that. We are so blessed to have these opportunities to tell so many about our Creator God.

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